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SwiftUI: spacing

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In the last SwiftUI tutorial I mentioned how views can be arranged using stacks:

VStack {
    Text("Hello World")
    Text("Hello again!")

Let’s talk about spacing.

See how there’s no space between the two Text views? That’s because it’s the default behavior of VStack.

VStack accepts a spacing parameter:

VStack(spacing: 100) {
    Text("Hello World")
    Text("Hello again!")

This puts a 100 points space between the views contained in the VStack.

You can also use a Spacer view:

VStack {
    Text("Hello World")
    Text("Hello again!")

Spacer fills all the available space as it can:

You can limit it to a specific set of points using the frame() modifier:

VStack {
    Text("Hello World")
      .frame(height: 20)
    Text("Hello again!")

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